Partners In Education

Sweet Grass County Partners in Education provides funding for projects, equipment, and physical improvements not otherwise available through the annual legislated budget. This will help Sweet Grass County Educators to think and dream beyond the limits set by the tax-based budget and to implement teaching innovations that excite and engage students, staff, and the community.

Staff and students will submit applications to the fund’s advisory committee at any time for projects, equipment, or physical improvements that they feel will enhance learning. Click here for the SGC PIE Grant Application. The funded projects will be implemented in the following school year.

Tax-deductible contributions for the fund are accepted from anyone who is interested in enhancing the quality of education in our community. For more information contact our office at 932-3090 or


"This grant provided essential training for volunteer advocates to assist us in fighting for the best interests of 100% of child abuse and neglect victims."
